Elisa de la Torre
Madrid, 1990

Artist and engraver.
My work explores an aesthetic of natural imperfection through material experimentation and the abstract recreation of landscapes that play with the viewer's memory.
Current projects with: Helarea, Galería Backyard, Saisho Art, Único, The Fresh Art Club, Arielle Fine Arts (Dubai), Meaning Mag (Austria).
Interior design: The Room Studio, Isabel Mir, Casas Lumier, Mónica Diago, Anny Simoes.
Featured exhibitions: MuVim, Theredoom Gallery, Rafel Pérez Hernando Gallery, ArtMadrid21, Estampa21, Würth Museum La Rioja, Backyard Gallery, Montsequi Gallery, Rizoma Gallery, A/NT Gallery (USA), SAM25 Fair, AAF25 Berlin Fair.
2025-2027 Researcher member of the Andromeda research project funded by the CAM.
2023-2026 Artist member of the PMP project funded by the EU.
2020 - Doctorate in Fine Arts by the UCLM.
2019-present. Printmaking teacher at UFV.
2014-2016 – Master's in Graphic Printing Media, Illustration, and Artistic Minting at the Royal Mint and UCLM.
2014-2016 – Master's in Humanities, UFV.
2009-2013 – Own Title Expert in Creative Direction and Event Management, UFV.
2009-2013 – Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts. UFV.
2008-2009 –Fine Arts at Western University, Canada.
2024- Memory of the Landscape, Móstoles Culture, Madrid
2021- [orographies of the inevitable], Mados Space, Madrid
2021- The perception of the imperceptible, the significance of the insignificant, Bakyard Gallery, Simancas, Valladolid
2019 – [lands] in Meeting Space
2017 – Pleiades in Rizoma gallery, Madrid
2017 – Pleiades in Brita Prinz Arte, Madrid.
2015 – Ink eyes in AVAM Hall. Matadero de Madrid.
2012 – Allusions in Centro Cultural S. Agustín de Guadalix
2025- Brita Prinz Arte (curator)
2025- AAF Fair, Berlin (Helarea Gallery)
2025- SAM Fair, Madrid (Helarea Gallery)
2024- MuVIM, Valencia. V International MAKMA Award
2024- Màly Berlin, Slovakia
2024- Palacio de Losada, Ríonegro del Puente
2024- Antonio Mingote Room, Noreña
2024-Showcase, Backyard Gallery, Valladolid
2023- Casimiro Baragaña Contest, Pola de Siero
2023- Ateneo de Madrid
2022- Museum University of Valladolid
2022- Palace la Salina, Young Painters, Gaceta Foundation
2022- Embodied spaces NFT exhibition at Art.Army curated by Rodrigo Carreño
2021- Estampa Fair, Madrid (Helarea Gallery)
2021- Almoneda Fair, Madrid (Helarea Gallery)
2021- ArtMadrid Fair, (Galería Helarea)
2021- Art, Nature and Transcendence: Nature is not what we see, CC. Torrelodones
2021- Abstract Art Gallery, AEPE
2021- XV Spring Fair-Valdepeñas, AEPE
2021- Montsequi Gallery, Madrid
2021- Amaia Cultural Hall, Irún
2020 - Artist Experience Fair, Madrid
2020- Torreón del Haro Museum
2020- XXIV National Painting Contest City of Calahorra
2020 - La Salita Collective, Gijón
2020 - Festiarte Fair, Marbella
2018 - Navelart
2018 and 2017 - HYBRID Fair, Madrid (Rizoma Gallery)
2017 - Open Portfolio Festival, Drawing and Printmaking Congress 1de1, Cuenca
2017 – Festival Open Portfolio FIG, Bilbao
2017 - Franqueados Art Festival-JUSTMAD 8, Madrid
2017, 2016 and 2015 – José Caballero Engraving Contest. CC Pérez de la Riva
2016 and 2015 – Summer Ink. Royal Mint-FNMT, Madrid
2016 – Young Creators Contest. National Calcography, Royal Academy of San Fernando, Madrid
2016 –Masquelibros Fair (MQL16), Madrid
2016 – Reunarte. University Museum of Valladolid
2015 – EMERGE15. Gallery Theredoom, Madrid
2015 - I Artist Book Award Villa de Móstoles
2014 – XV Painting Contest UNED, UNED Center, Plasencia
2014 – EMERGE13, Rafael Pérez Hernando Gallery, Madrid
2014 –Artists Caught by Umeå. Umeå, Sweden
2013 - Space Nave 73. Madrid
2013 – Studio 120m. Würth Museum, La Rioja
2013 – ENCLAVE. XXIII CC of Chiva, Valencia
2013 –Confluences Gallery, Twisp, Washington (USA)
2013 – A/NT Gallery, Seattle (USA)
2009 – Regional Art Contest (STAND), London, Canada
2008 – Diversity Art Expo, London, Canada
2023- Innovation Days 2023, UFV
2023-"The mythical and the sacred: around the transcendent in contemporary art," at our XI International Congress of Religious Sciences, Brazil
2022- 17th International Conference on the Arts in Society. San Jorge University, Zaragoza
2022- Open Reason Congress, UFV
2021 - Congress An I for an Eye, UFV and USPCEU, Madrid
2021 - Conference on Louise Glück, UCM, Madrid
2020- VI Congress Mtythcryticism, UCLM, Madrid
2020 - I Dickens Congress, CEU and UFV, Madrid
2019 – V International Congress of Anthropology AIBR, UAM, Madrid
2019 - SIMUFV Congress, UFV, Madrid
2018 - V International Congress of Mitocriticism, UAM, Madrid
2018 – VIII Doctoral Conferences UCLM, Cuenca
2018 – 2nd International Congress Open Reason, Rome
2024- Professional Media Presence program in Màly Berlin, Slovakia, funded by the EU.
2019 - University of Lorraine
2018 – Alfara Gráfica, Salamanca
2016 - Centro Aleti, Rome
-"Systematization of Marcel Duchamp's infraleve proposal as an aesthetic category". Published in Annals of the Institute of Aesthetic Research, Volume XLVI, number 124, year 2024, pp 225-252
-Illustration of “I always saw a hat. Encounters with the Little Prince.” Álvaro Abellán García Barrio. UFV Publishing. 2022. 9788418746666
-Interview on Canvas Rebel: 2022, Meet Elisa de la Torre - CanvasRebel Magazine
-"The Silence of the Wind", Paris, 2021. Published in «Silences». Hypotheses Journal. The silence of the wind | Silence(s) (hypotheses.org)
- "The feminine shadow: an analysis of the aesthetics of concealment in contemporary female artists," Sevilla, 2020. Published in "Not just muses: women creators in contemporary art." Atrio Journal. Pablo de Olavide University. pp.81-90. ISBN 978-84-09-17672-4.
- "The possibility of aesthetic experience in the spectator in the visual society," Madrid, 2019. Published. Editorial Sindéresis. ISBN: 9788416262458
-Artwork cover in «Women poets and Myth in the 20th and 21st Centuries», UK, 2019. Published. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN: 9781527516724
- "ARCO: between the circus and beauty," 2019. Published. Democresía.es, official journal publication. https://democresia.es/democultura/exposiciones/arco-entre-el-circo-y-la-belleza-elisa-de-la-torre/
- "Javier Riera: Geometry in the Darkness", 10/18/2018. Published. Democresía.es, official journal publication. https://www.democresia.es/democultura/exposiciones/javier-riera-deslumbra-galicia-con-su-obra-bonaval-elisa-de-la-torre/
- "The Mythological Narrative of Anselm Kiefer through the Stars." Madrid, 2018. Published. Asteria, international association of mythocriticism. during the V International Conference on mythcriticism. Academic publication. ISBN: 978-84-09-05318-6
- "Infraleves: the poetics of the contingent and the desire for an eternal absolute." Madrid, 2018. Published in "Dialogue between the sciences, theology, and philosophy," Editorial UFV. ISBN: 978-84-17641-59-7. https://premiosrazonabierta.org/actas/
- "Monet and Boudin will spend August in Madrid", 9/8/2018. Published in Democresía.es, official journal publication. https://www.democresia.es/democultura/monet-y-boudin-pasaran-agosto-en-madrid/
-«Abarca: Seven espadrilles to give visibility to young Spanish artists.» 7/29/2022. Rafa Rodríguez. Published in El Pais, official journal publication. Ángela Suárez. -Abarca: Seven espadrilles to give visibility to young Spanish artists | EL PAÍS Weekly | EL PAÍS (elpais.com)
- "Young artists at Art Madrid 21". 11/5/2021. Publicado en la feria internacional de arte Art-Madrid. Art Madrid'23 – YOUNG ARTISTS IN ART MADRID'21 (art-madrid.com)
- "Eight of the ten youngest artists at ArtMadrid 2021 are women." 16/5/2021. Published in Liceo Magazine, official journal publication. Eight of the ten youngest artists at Art Madrid 2021 are women (liceomagazine.com)
- "The reinterpreted reality of Constanza López Schlichting and Elisa de la Torre," 12/3/2021. Published in Arsmagazine.es, official journal publication. The reinterpreted reality of Constanza López Schlichting and Elisa de la Torre – Arsmagazine
--"A Big Bang of Organic Painting," 11/3/2021. César Serna. Published in Elcorreodeespaña.com, official journal publication. A Big Bang of organic paint. By César Serna El Correo de España (elcorreodeespana.com)
2017 – 3rd Prize Open Portfolio, Congress 1de1, UCLM
2015 – First prize in the Villa de Móstoles Artist Book Award.
2009 – First prize in Regional Art Contest, London, Canada
Eurostars Hotel
Messengers of Peace
City Council of Móstoles
Francisco de Vitoria University (Madrid)
Aldeafuente School (Alcobendas)
Cobeña Town Hall
San Manuel González Church (San Sebastián de los Reyes)
Seminar of Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)